LIVE FISHING REPORT : Reliable Guide and Charters and Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop Fishing Report Week ending July 18th/2024


July 12 Auntie Michelle and Uncle Chris fishing with Chase,  Vienna, Zander and Piper.  Affectionally known as Pa Pa’s (me) Rock Stars!  Congratulations everyone!  Great Job Auntie Michelle and Uncle Chris!
Lots of Love from Pa Pa/ Dad



June 30 67 cm caught June 30th on a patriot spin and glo Birthday Fish

July 1st Will and Fred had a great time reeling in the beauty 2

Jacob Neuman, Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters caught this beauty on his Spey Rod fishing on his personal time between clients.  Congratulations Jacob!  Well done!
Anyone wishing to Book a Fishing Trip of a Lifetime with Jacob, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email w

July 9 Aiden Mccormick 25 mill model natural

July 12 Aiden Mccormick and Jacob Perrier hooked and landed this double header of Chinook! Wow! Well done Guys! Both Chinook were caught on purple 3/4 oz.Thunder Jigs.
Thunder Jigs are exclusive to Ron’s Fishing Tacle Shop and have tested by experienced Anglers and Approved by the fish.
The proof is in the pictures!

July 12th

Jacoby fish it wild, pro guide for reliable guide and charters landed this beauitful oversized
chinook above the bridge with legend Bill.

July 12th Was an action full day on the water with 3 Chinook landed 5 pinks and many hook ups.


A beautiful 98cm fish caught in the hell mary hole!

Chinook during their drift with Jacob, Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters.  Congratulations!
Great Job Jacob!
Anyone wishing to book a Driftboat Trip with Jacob, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

This year’s Chinook run continues to be outstanding with an excellent return of 3 year old males.  These 3 year old males are the Chinook under 80 cms which anglers are allowed to retain on the Kitimat River.  Anglers are reminded that only the Chinook over 65cms need to be recorded on your Non Tidal Fishing License.  Chinook between 30 cms and 65 cms still constitutes the One Chinook per day quota but does not count as one the ten Chinook per year permitted to be harvested.  Anglers must have a Non Tidal Salmon Conservation Stamp on their licenses to retain any of the salmon.

Pinks are migrating into the Kitimat in good numbers and their typical behavior is to run the river on the rising tides.
Chum are also starting to show up in more numbers.
This is the best time to fish the Kitimat River with the entire family.  There are many 3 and 4 generation family groups enjoying the Pink, Chum and Chinook run.  Now is an excellent time to create some pages in the Family Photo album.
Anglers are advised to beware of the bears.  The plentiful Pink and Chum runs on the Kitimat River atracts many anglers but they also attract many Black and Grizzly bears.  There is a Mother Grizzly Bear with 3 cubs frequently sighted below the Kitimat River Hatchery.
Travel in numbers, make lots of noise and be armed with bear bangers and/ or bear spray.

Good Luck fishing and Plese Stay Safe!


The Kitimat River is open for retention of One Chinook/day under 80cms.

The Skeema River and Nass River closed for retention of Chinook.


Please note:  The Kitimat River is open for Bait including Roe Sept 1st 12:01am for salmon but NOT to target Trout or Steelhead.

(including tributaries) All May 15 to Aug 31 Bait ban.
on west bank between signs at Kitimat hatchery outfall. All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for salmon.
downstream of Highway # 37 bridge. Chinook Apr 1 to Jul 31 1 per day, 80 cm or less.
Aug 1 to Dec 31 No fishing for chinook.
Coho Apr 1 to Oct 31 4 per day, only 2 over 50 cm.
Nov 1 to Dec 31 No fishing for coho.
Chum Apr 1 to Aug 31 2 per day.
Pink Apr 1 to Aug 31 2 per day.
upstream of Highway # 37 bridge. All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for Salmon.

Total Salmon Daily Quota is 4 Per Day with each Daily Species Quota applying.

Total Possession Limit to transport is 8 salmon   Fresh and Salt combined.

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please  call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Douglas Channel


July 12 Auntie Michelle and Uncle Chris fishing with Chase,  Vienna, Zander and Piper.  Affectionally known as Pa Pa’s (me) Rock Stars!  Congratulations everyone!  Great Job Auntie Michelle and Uncle Chris!
Lots of Love from Pa Pa/ Dad


This is the most productive time to fish the Douglas Channel.
All 5 species of Salmon are running and all the bottomfish especially Halibut are migrating into the inside waters to feed on the spawning Chinook, Pinks and Chum.
Crab and Prawns are also plentiful and delicious.
The taste of fresh crab or prawns straight out the traps into a pot or fry pan with butter and garlic is truly amazing!
When the weather is good, fishing in flat, calm waters, with blue skies and sunshine is spectaculor.
Now is the time to create some mermorable fishing experiences.
