Marc Girard
Marc is the elder statesmen in the group but with maturity comes wisdom. As is the case with all our guides Marc possesses the Love for fishing. “Fishing is my passion in life and lucky in that my wife (life partner) is also an avid fisherwoman and when I am not guiding and weather is a little hostile she has no problem with me being out there pounding the water on my own”. In his other life, Marc is a Fire Chief specifically assigned the duties of “The Chief training officer” Marc’s background as an instructor coupled with the patience inherent in his personally gives Marc the key ingredients of a top notch fishing guide especially for Anglers who are just starting out.
Marc’s Firefighters and First Aid background brings a safe, organized, structured approach to his clients’ trip. This combined with Marc’s quick wit makes for an enjoyable safe trip down the Kitimat River.
Marc is also a member of the Royal Coachmen Fly Fishing Club. Marc is well versed in the Art of Fly Fishing and is capable with either single handed or Spey casting.
Whatever the method of fishing our clients prefer, Marc is more than willing, capable and happy to oblige.
Marc’s unique qualifications are best expressed in his own words:
“I bring to Reliable Guide and Charters my 28+ experience with Prince George Fire Rescue (Now Chief Training Officer) Certified Swift Water Rescue Technician, And EMR (Emergency Medical Responder Instructor) with endorsements in CPR, Critical Intervention (Bee Stings, Allergenic Reactions etc.) Spinal Immobilization, Trauma etc. With my experience as Chief Training Officer brings my passion to teaching and assisting other people. When it comes to fishing or just getting out in the wilderness I have the patience to assist people with medical disabilities or just old age when the body just doesn’t perform the way it used to.( this is where the low profile boat comes in handy). I would be more than honored to assist clients in having a wonderful adventure with Reliable Guide and Charters.”
We are proud to have Marc Girard on the Reliable Guide and Charters Team.
Where to find us
Ron Wakita
Kitimat BC