KITIMAT RIVER: PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Sept-5 Gavin Knudsen proudly holding his 11lb 1 3/18 oz Coho which won the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Derby. Congratulations Gavin. Well done!
A huge Thank You to Laurel and the entire Chamber Staff and volunteers for all their hard work and effort which made this Derby a success.
Sept 5 (Left to right) James Wood, Crystal Walters, Carolyn Watt (KSAR), Ron Wakita. I had the pleasure of presenting 3815.00 to Carolyn Watt of Kitimat Search and Rescue on behalf of the group listed below.
Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop has been involved in The Nick Hopwood Campaign ever since this campaign was designed and initiated by Kitimat Search and Rescue, River Guides, Charters and as well many others.
All of our Freezer services, Vacuum Sealer, Wader and Life Jacket Rentals have been by donation to the Nick Hopwood Campaign to be given to the Kitimat Search and Rescue. Our many customers gave generously. Worthy of recognition are the following Fisher/business owners who gave generously. They are listed below.
A Big Thank You for our customers and to Crystal Walters, Cliff, Dan Patchett who matched our fund raisng amount and James Wood, Joel Viens and Dario and Melinda Calandr who gave generously.
This is the list of Donators and donations:
Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop Ron Wakita 705.00
Reliable Guide and Charters Driftboat Trip Ron Wakita 400.00
2nd Chance Auto Sales Ltd Kamloops Crystal Walters, Cliff, Dan Patchett 705.00
2nd Chance Auto Sales Ltd Alberta Crystal Walters, Cliff, Dan Patchett 705.00
Bull Dog Cutting and Coring Penticton James Wood 300.00
J.V Wholesale Chilliwack Joel Viens 500.00
0806443 BC Ltd White Rock Dario and Melinda Calandra 501.00
Total Donated to Kitimat Search and Rescue 3815.00
Of all the campaigns I have been involved in, I am the most passionate about the Nick Hopwood Campaign.
Kelly Marsh (Head of Kitimat Search and Rescue) said it best in an email to me and our group, “I recently mentioned to Carolyn that I have seen a marginal improvement in PFD usage while floating on the Kitimat. The success of your, the KSAR Prevention Committee as well as other’s work unfortunately can never be truly measured, however I can see the needle is moving in the right direction”. Well said Kelly.
I love the Kitimat River and love to fish her. There have been 5 deaths on the Kitimat River in the last 15 years. Although, as Kelly says, we will never truly be able to measure our efforts, we all agree that 5 deaths is too many. The current fatality rate is one every three years. This is year 2 since Nick’s passing. If the Nick Hopwwod Campaign is able to help prevent another death in year 3, we will have beat the current statistical fatality rate on the Kitimat River.
I could not imagine being Nick’s parents or the grief of the fiancé to the pontooner who got caught in the log jam below 18 mile bridge or the anguish of husband and son of the mother who drowned when their family canoe tipped or the sorrow of the family of the gentleman from Rocky mountain House or the family of the man collecting lures and was never found.
The Nick Hopwood Campaign is the product of a lots of the hard work and efforts of Kitimat Search and Rescue, Guides and many others.
The most gratifying outcome we all seek is for everyone is act safe and Stay Safe.
I implore all Kitimat River Anglers to embrace the message of the NICK HOPWOOD Campaign and to please, please wear a wading belt, knife and life jacket.
Sept-6 Nicki Smythe proudly holding this nice Coho she caught at the Pumphouse. This is Nicki’s “First Salmon’. Well done Nicki! Congratulations!
Thank You for sharing your picture and moment with our Fishing Report.
Sept 8 Graham Haraldson and son,Jordan and Kent Gasco proudly holding the Coho they caught on our 1/2 Day evening drift. Congratulations guys. It was fun fishing with you. Thank You for using our Guidng Services.
Sept 8 Graham Haraldson and son, Jordan and Kent Gasco,Josh Windsor and his son, Mathias photoed here with their catch fishing with Pro Guide, Keaton Demelo and myself. We took this group picture with our clients during our drift.
Congratulations everyone on your catch and Thank You for using our Guide Services
Sept 8 Mathias Winsor proudly holding the Coho the Coho he reeled in with a little help from his Dad, Josh and Pro Guide, Keaton.
Well done Mathias! Congratulations! You are showing the signs of being an awesome angler. Good for you! Remember the rule, “The littlest guy has to catch the biggest fish”. You got the biggest and the most! Well done!
Sept 10 Simon Daigle and Jarvis Anderson proudly holding the Coho we caught on our 1/2 Day evening drift fishing with their fishing partner, Brian Coats and myself. Well done! Congratulations on your catch.
One of the bonuses of the LNG projects is being able to fish with folks from all over across Canada and around the world. It has been a wonderful experience sharing the passion of fishing with guys who like to chill out after work, have fun and enjoy their love of fishing. Thanks Guys. It was fun fishing with you.
Sept 10 Kali McCollum proudly holding one of the Coho he kooked fishing with his father and PRO Guide, Justin Lowes.
Kali pprovided us with this comment, “Great time on the river with my Dad. Awesome charter. Plus i learned some spots and some new fishing techniques. Thank Justin for showing us a great time and keepibg my dad from falling in. 👍👍 Justin and I are pleased to hear you had a good time. Thank You for using our Guide services.
Sept 11 Sharmin and Shane Caukins drifted the Kitimat River on their 25th Anniversary.
They share the love of fishing and a True Love for each other.
The proof is in the pictures. Not to mention the beautiful diamond ring Shane gave to Sharmin to celebrate their anniversary.
Sharmin said it best, “Happy Spouse …Happy House”
Congratulations on catch and your 25th Anniversary!
Thank You for including for our Guide Services in your itinerary. I was honoured to be a part of your celebrations
Sept 12. Dr. Carstens proudly holding a Coho we landed and kept for his smoker. I had the pleasure of fishing with Dr Carstens and Russel O’Gorman. We landed this Coho but we had a few release themselves. Loosing Coho is a reality when Coho fishing but it was a lot of fun. Congratulations on your catch and Thank You for using our Guide services.
Last week many anglers were hoping for rain to bring the river levels up to encourage more Coho to migrate into the Kitimat. In Kitimat, we have to be careful what we wish for. We received too much rain prior to and during the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Derby and the Kitimat River rose and was unfishable on Saturday and Sunday. The Kitimat River dropped all week and was low and clean. During the high water many Coho have moved into the pools and runs in the midlle and upper Kitimat River.
The runs and pools in the lower Kitimat (below Haisla Bridge) will have less and less Coho in them other than the ones holding at the gravel bar below the Hatchery or on the Hatchery Island. Most of the Coho will be moving through the lower Kitimat on the tides.
Accordinngly the best holes are in the middle and lower sections of the Kitimat River. For more up to date info, please stop into out tackle shop.
Bait to allowed on the Kitimat River as of Sept 1. Below is an email from Darren Chow, North Coast Recreatonal Coordinator DFO.clarifying the Bait Ban issue.
DOUGLAS CHANNEL PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Sept 12 John from Blue Heron Charters provided this photo and comment, “Judy Crawford from Pinoke, Alberta with her 20 lb halibut” Congratulations everyone! Great job Skipper.
Anyone wishing to Book a Saltwater Trip of a Life time with John please call Ron 250 632 1275 pr email wakita@telus.net
Coho fishing on the Douglas Channel is coming to an end as most Coho will be in their home spawning rivers or creeks or in a hurry to get there. Coho fishing in the Douglas Channel will be a situation of being in the right place at the right time. Most boaters are targeting, Halibut, Bottomfish and Crab. Once the cooler is full then they may troll for some Coho.
Good Luck Everyone. Have Fun and Stay Safe
Fishery Notice
This Fishery Notice supersedes FN0296 to announce an increase to daily limit for halibut measuring under 90 cm in length. The updated Fishery Notice reads as follows: For 2021, the recreational halibut fishery allocation is 914,750 pounds. The recreational halibut fishery is actively managed to stay within sector's allocation and fishers should watch for subsequent Fishery Notices to announce potential in-season changes. The following measures are in effect coast wide as noted below: Open time: Effective at 00:01 hours February 15, 2021, fishing for halibut was opened coast-wide until further notice (See Fishery Notice FN0133 and FN296). Effective September 11, 2021 until December 31, 2021: The daily and possession limit for halibut is EITHER of: ---- One (1) halibut measuring 90 cm to 133 cm in length (69 cm to 102 cm head-off), OR ---- Three (3) halibut, each measuring under 90 cm in length (69 cm head-off). No person shall retain a halibut greater than 133 cm head-on length (102 cm head-off). Head-off measurements are made from the base of the pectoral fin at its most forward point to the extreme end of the middle of the tail. Annual Limit: No person shall catch and retain more than ten (10) halibut in the aggregate from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Licensing: The 2021/22 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence and Conditions of Licence will be in effect from April 1, 2021 until March 31, 2022. All halibut retained by the licence holder between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022 shall be immediately recorded on the 2021/2022 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence, or, if mobile access is immediately available, the licence holder may record catch in the National Recreational Licensing System. The area from which each halibut is caught and its head-on length shall immediately be recorded. The exceptions to these openings are: Areas 121: No person shall fish for or retain halibut, rockfish and lingcod in Area 121 outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes W and continues south easterly at a bearing of 116 degrees True to a point at 48 degrees 28.327 minutes and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes W. Areas 121: Closed to all finfish, year round in the waters of Swiftsure Bank. Those portions of Subareas 121-1 and 121-2 inside a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes N and 125 degrees 06.000 minutes W, then true east to 48 degrees 34.000 minutes N and 124 degrees 54.200 minutes W, then southeasterly to the International Boundary, outer perimeter at 48 degrees 29.618 minutes N and 124 degrees 43.553 minutes W, then westerly following the International Boundary perimeter to 48 degrees 29.605 minutes N and 124 degrees 56.190 minutes W, then northwesterly to the beginning point. Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) and Glass Sponge Reef (GSR) closures remain in effect - refer to the following web pages for descriptions: 1)RCAs- http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/restricted-restreint-eng.html#rca 2)GSRs- http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/restricted-restreint-eng.html#sponge Variation Order 2021-RFQ-0496 is in effect. Anglers are reminded of the mandatory condition of licence for the release of rockfish; all anglers in vessels shall immediately return all rockfish that are not being retained to the water and to a similar depth from which they were caught by use of an inverted weighted barbless hook or other purpose-built descender device. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Greg Hornby (Regional Manager Recreational Fisheries) - Greg.Hornby@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center – FN0910
Sent September 10, 2021 at 0755