PHOTO OF THE WEEK: KITIMAT RIVER May 5th. Charlie Alexander holding a large male Kitimat River Steelhead. This Steelhead measured 39′ long with a 22″ girth. Calculations of these measurements works out to just over 20lbs. Charlie caught on our 1/2 Driftboat Special. $300.00 for a 4 hour Driftboat Trip.
We hooked 4 Steelhead and landed 2.
Congratulations Charlie! Thank You for using our Guiding Services.
It was a pleasure fishing with you.
May 5 I had the pleasure of fishing with Antonio Cangiano during our 1/2 Day, 4 hour Special. We hooked 4 Steelhead and landed 2 Kitimat River Steelhead. Congratulations Antonio! Thank You for using our Guide services.
The Kitimat River continues to be in great shape this week and there still good numbers of Steelhead being caught through out the the entire system.
Many of the Steelhead caught this week were in spawning colours. Many of Steelhead are distinctely paired up which is a sign that the Kitimat Steelhead run is coming to an end..
There was also an Angling guide that reported getting spooled by a Chinook. The Big Guys are coming!
Life is Short! Fish Lots!