LIVE FISHING REPORT: Reliable Guide and Charters and Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop Fishing Report Week ending Aug 21/2022


August 9 John from Blue Heron Charters provided this photo and comments about our clients,  “Owen, Charlene and Travis caught three Halibut along with assorted Flatfish and Rockfish during flat water, blue skies, warm air”
Congratulations everyone!  Well done!  Great Job Skipper!

This season has been exceptional for halibut.  Now would be a good time to check Halibut off the Bucket List of Things to Do!
Anyone wishing to Book a Salt Charter of a Lifetime, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email at


Aug 21 I had the pleasure of fishing with one of my favorite fishing partners, Becca  who I affectionally call the Pretty Lucky High Five Girl!  We were joined by her nephew, Ollie.  We hooked 4 Coho and landed 2.  We also caught and released a few Pinks and had a bunch release themselves.  This is common this time of year.  As always, it was fun fishing with Becca as she posseses an unbelievable Zest for Life and Fishing!  Awesome Fishing Trip Becca and Ollie.
Remember the rulle.  No Bananas please.

Aug 21 Corey ,reliable guide and charters Mathias and Desiree who is proudly holding her coho and pink. We hooked into many mainly using silver hot shot but the blue and silver kwikfish K13x caught us the coho.

Aug 20 Corey Wakita, Pro Guide Reliable Guide and Charters fishing with Lani , Tanya and Len Gibson Hooked some, Landed some, Lost some. The harsh reality of fishing is that anglers don’t land them all but the trick is to have fun during all the above.
It is refreshing and gratifying for us to be of part of a Father and his daughters enjoying the sport of fishing together.    Well done Everyone!  Great Job Corey!
Congratulations on your catch and may the memories created during this Driftboat trip live on in the fish stories told during some future family dinners and gatherings..

Aug 19 I (Ron) had the pleasure of fishing with Kaylee Noble and her mother, Sheri. Our Pro Guide, Brandon was fishing with the father Kevin, Noble and their son, Hastin.
The story line was the Boys (Brandon, Kevin and Hastin) against the Girls ( Ronda the Mermaids)
The short:storey is,  “The Girls Rocked!”
But Fun was had by All.
It was fun fishing with you all.  Thank You for using our Guide services.

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 18 Mandi and Quiton out on a drift with Ron

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email


Aug 17 Deb and Howard hooked 3 landed one Coho out on a drift with Ron

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 17 Clyde and Debbie out on a drift with Ron

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 16 Mathias Luis caught this river Coho on a 1 oz copper iron head Lower dyke.  The Gibbs 2/3 oz and 1 oz Copper Ironheads have been the hottest spoons in the past few years but usually when the Kitimat River is a little higher.
Mathias has figured out how to make it work in really low river conditions.  The proof is in the picture.

2022 Aug 16 Rich Gina and Denae out on a drift with Ron

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

2022 Aug 16 Ryan Stans and his son, Baron hooked and landed a pile of pinks and chum,   We lost 2 coho landed but landed one jack coho.  Great job Baron!
You landed lots more than you Dad.  The truth is your Dad, didn;t want it any other way. 🙂

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 15 Desiree Nevraumont fishing with Marc Girard Pro Guide Reliable Guide and Charters holding a beautiful Kitimat River Coho  Desiree is in training to become a Guide on the Kitimat River.  Marc is providing some of his fishing expertise to Desiree. Marc and Des hooked and landed 3 Coho on the 1/2 Day Drift.  Congratulations Guys.  Well done!

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email


2 updates available

Aug 14 Ron Wakita and his son, Corey fishing with Randy Tait and son, Mathias, drifted the lower Kitimat.  Randy and I had a lot of Fun fishing with our sons. There was lots of banter (trash talking), lots of fish and most of all lots of fun and laughter.  Great trip guys.

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 14 Brandon 3 coho landed out of 4 2 on spoon one on kwikfish cable car to radley

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

Aug 13 Tamara Harders fishing with Glen Fillion provided this picture of these Coho from the Lower Dike.

Aug 11 Josh Winsor provided this photo of Mathias,  Isabella and Hunter. with a Coho they caught fishing at the lower dyke.  Congratulations Everyone!  Thank you for sharing your photo with our Fishing Report.

Aug 10 Quinton Dennill. and his Uncle Jerry Dennil proudly holding their catch.
Quinton’s Coho is one of many Coho that have been caught.
These fish were caught at Radley Park. Photos were taken by Joanne,.Quiton’s Mom.  Congratulations guys and Thank You and Liz for sharing your pictures with our Fishing Report.

Aug 10 This is a picture of a Chum laying on the road at Lahakas Blvd. and Gyrfalcon St.  A Good Days Fishing is not complete until the fish is at home in the freezer!  : )
I have witnessed many Fish being lost in a variety of ways over the years but this is a First  🙂  Oops!
This is an excellent example of what “NOT TO DO”.
The SH Rule!
This is unfortunate but at some level but it is kinda funny!

Aug 7 Brandon Paul, Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters teamed up with Dave McIntyre and Fusako Kasatani (from Japan).  They caught a bunch of Pinks and Chum and has a great time in the process.
Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email

2022 Aug 3 Curtis

2022 Aug 2 Curtis Nevraumont hatch island

2022_Aug_1_Desiree proudly holding her humpy, caught on a drift with pro guide from Reliable Guide and Charters Ryland.

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email



The Kitimat River continues to produce lots of Salmon.but the Overwelming Theme of this report has to be.  Father and sons,  Mother and daughters, Fathers and daughters, Mothers and sons, Uncles and nephews and Husbands and wifes fishing together in addition to the always good friends and fishing partners scenario.

There are still good numbers of Pinks although many of the Males are starting to get their usually humped backs.  The females are the best to keep as they stay fresher longer.
There are plenty of Chum albeit some have started to spawn in the shallows and side channels.
Coho Salmon has the Shining Stars.  I have not seen Coho numbers this good ever.  One angler reported catching 17 Coho already!
At this stage, the Coho run could be a good early run or it could be the signs of an exceptional run this year.  Usually when a run is big, it starts early and ends late and there are more fish in the middle of the run.  Whether it is early or big is too early to tell but it is sure nice to see this many Coho caught early.
Smart money says, “Get out and catch them while they the weather and river conditions are good!”


Please include Name and Phone Number on the Contract when you email me the picture of your signed Contract.


Please note:  The Kitimat River is open for Bait including Roe Sept 1st 12:01am

Kitimat River (including tributaries) All May 15 to Aug 31 Bait ban.
on west bank between signs at Kitimat hatchery outfall. All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for salmon.
downstream of Highway # 37 bridge. Chinook Apr 1 to Jul 31 1 per day, 80 cm or less.
Aug 1 to Dec 31 No fishing for chinook.
Coho Apr 1 to Oct 31 4 per day, only 2 over 50 cm.
Nov 1 to Dec 31 No fishing for coho.
Chum Apr 1 to Aug 31 2 per day.
Pink Apr 1 to Aug 31 2 per day.
upstream of Highway # 37 bridge. All Apr 1 to Mar 31 No fishing for Salmon.


Total Salmon Daily Quota is 4 Per Day with each Daily Species Quota applying.

Total Possesion is 8 salmon   Fresn and Salt combined.



August 21 John Blue Heron Charters Mike Leo and Tyrell 60 lb halibut blue skies and flat water

Todd from nautical west sport fisning sent in these pictures, with the caption “Latest catches from last week ”

2022 Aug 13 Curtis, coho were hitting anchoveys’ at 40ft at Jesse falls.

August 12 Dustin Culp of DC.Charters clients clients, Robin, Kelly , Mark and Mac proudly posing with the Perfect 133 cm halibut.  Wow!  Congratulations!
Great Job Skipper
Anyone wishing to Book a Salt Charter of a Lifetime, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email at


Aug 11 Douglas Channel.  Dustin Culp of DC Charters fishing with Nicole,Eric, John, Stef, Janet boated Twin 110 cms halibut and a 118 halibut with 30 crab. Great day!   Congratulations Everyone!  Great Job Skipper

Anyone wishing to Book a Salt Charter of a Lifetime, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email at


August 9 John from Blue Heron Charters provided this photo and comments about our clients,  “Owen, Charlene and Travis caught three Halibut along with assorted Flatfish and Rockfish during flat water, blue skies, warm air”
Congratulations everyone!  Well done!  Great Job Skipper!

This season has exceptional for halibut.  Now would be a good time to check Halibut off the Bucket List of Things to Do!
Anyone wishing to Book a Salt Charter of a Lifetime, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email at

2022 Aug 6 Curtis and Daniela


In addition to the Family fishing together theme demonstrated in the Kitimat River Report, the Douglas Channel added Co-workers fishing together as Ledcor booked numerous Charters for us to take out groups of their employees this summer.  Many have never fished Saltwater and experienced their first Halibut, first whale sighting, Nautral Hot Spring soak or witnessed the beauty and grandeur of the Douglas Channel in the back drop of blue sky and calm waters.
Halibut numbers continue to really good and Coho numbers are good especially in closer to the Kitimat Harbour.  One boater reported boating 8 Coho for his limit before 7:45 yesterday.
Coho catch numbers have be good at both ends of the Douglas Channel.  Shades of Coho fishing during the first returns of Coho returns from the Kitimat River Hatchery back in the 1990s.
We are so fortunate to have the Kitimat River Hatchery continuing to produce excellent returns.  .

Anyone wishing to Book a Saltwater Trip of a Lifetime please contact Ron 250 632 1275 or email


BC tidal areas 6 and 106 – Kitimat, Kemano Bay: Recreational fishing limits, openings and closures | Pacific Region | Fisheries and Oceans Canada (


Category(s):    RECREATIONAL – Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)     Fishery Notice – Fisheries and Oceans Canada Subject: FN0919-Recreational – Fin Fish (Other than Salmon) – Halibut – In-season Update on Daily Limit This Fishery Notice supersedes FN0251 to announce an increase to daily limit for halibut measuring under 90 cm in length. The updated Fishery Notice reads as follows: For 2022, the recreational Halibut fishery allocation is 1,011,750 pounds. The recreational Halibut fishery is actively managed to stay within sector’s allocation and fishers should watch for subsequent Fishery Notices to announce potential in-season changes.  The following measures are in effect coast-wide as noted below:  Open time:Effective at 00:01 hours February 1, 2022, fishing for Halibut was opened coast-wide until further notice (See 2022 Fishery Notice FN0067 and FN0251). Effective 00:01 hours on August 20, 2022 until 23:59 hours on December 31, 2022:The daily and possession limit for Halibut is EITHER of: —one (1) Halibut measuring 90 cm to 133 cm in length (69 cm to 102 cm head-off), OR —three (3) Halibut, each measuring under 90 cm in length (69 cm head-off). No person shall retain a Halibut greater than 133 cm head-on length (102 cm head-off). Head-off measurements are made from the base of the pectoral fin at its most forward point to the extreme end of the middle of the tail.Annual Limit:No person shall catch and retain more than ten (10) Halibut in the aggregate from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Licensing: The 2022/23 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence and Conditions of Licence will be in effect from April 1, 2022 until March 31, 2023.  All Halibut retained by the licence holder between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023 shall be immediately recorded on the 2022/2023 Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence, or, if mobile access is immediately available, the licence holder may record catch in the National Recreational Licensing System. The area from which each Halibut is caught and its head-on length shall immediately be recorded. The exceptions to these openings are:Areas 121: No person shall fish for or retain Halibut, rockfish and lingcod in Area 121 outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes W and continues south easterly at a bearing of 116 degrees True to a point at 48 degrees 28.327 minutes and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes W. Areas 121: Closed to all finfish, year round in the waters of Swiftsure Bank. Those portions of Subareas 121-1 and 121-2 inside a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes N and 125 degrees 06.000 minutes W, then true east to 48 degrees 34.000 minutes N and 124 degrees 54.200 minutes W, then southeasterly to the International Boundary, outer perimeter at 48 degrees 29.618 minutes N and 124 degrees 43.553 minutes W, then westerly following the International Boundary perimeter to 48 degrees 29.605 minutes N and 124 degrees 56.190 minutes W, then northwesterly to the beginning point. Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) and Glass Sponge Reef (GSR) closures remain in effect – refer to the following web pages for descriptions:1)RCAs- Variation Orders: 2022-RFQ-352 is in effect.  Anglers are reminded of the mandatory condition of licence for the release of rockfish; all anglers in vessels shall immediately return all rockfish that are not being retained to the water and to a similar depth from which they were caught by use of an inverted weighted barbless hook or other purpose-built descender device. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Greg Hornby (Regional Manager Recreational Fisheries) –  Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center – FN0919Sent August 19, 2022 at 10:11Visit us on the Web at If you would like to unsubscribe, please submit your request at:   If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail to:


Aug 10 Dustin Culp DC Charters Prince Rupert provided these pictures and comments, “Tony, Fay, Chelsey, Brandon All limited out on halibut and caught a beauty 42” lingcod to top off the cooler. And a couple salmon. What a day!”
Congratulations Everyone!  Well done!  Great Job Skipper!
Anyone wishing to Book a Saltwater Trip of a Lifetime with Dustin please call Ron 250 632 1275.