LIVE FISHING REPORT: Reliable Guide and Charters and Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop Fishing Report Week ending Aug 14 2021

DOUGLAS CHANNEL PHOTO OF THE WEEK:  Jennifer Robitaille proudly holding a Halibut she landed fishing with her Dad, Perry and John from Blue Heron Charters,  Congratulations Jennifer!
It is always refreshing to observe Dad and daughter sharing the passion of fishing!  Well done Dad!   Thank You for sharing your photo with our Fishing Report!.
Great Job Skipper.
Jennifer and Perry are from Edmonton Alberta
Anyone wishing to Book a Saltwater Charter of a Lifetime with John, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email





Aug 8 Jonathan Archibald proudly holding the first Chinook he landed on Kitimat River.  Jonathan was using a Blue Black Jim’s Jig with Black Jig Head. exclusive to Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop.  Congratulations Jonathan and Thank You for sharing your photo with our Fishing Report.


The Kitimat River continues to produce all 5 species of Salmon.
The most plentiful species are the Pinks which are still coming into the river on the rising high tides.  Pink for Pinks.  It doesn’t matter what colour you use for Pinks as long as it is Pink.  Pink crocs and 1/2 Pink Thunder Jigs are the most productive lures for Pinks.
Chum and Chinook are still being caught by the anglers who are bottom bouncing especially on the gravel bar below the Hatchery or on the Hatchery Island.
Anglers are cautioned to avoid hooking spawning Chinook especially the females.  If this happens, please retrieve as much line as possible and cut your line.  I will be happy to respool your reel and replace the lure you had on.  Before you land her, she will have lost all her eggs.
There have been reports of the odd Coho being caught but it still early in the run.  The Lower, lower Dike and the gravel bar below the Hatchery are the 2 spots where Coho have been caught.
Blue Scale and Copper Koho 45 lures and a Thunder Jig we cal “Scooby Doo” were the hottest lures early in the season last year.
Stay tuned!


Aug 7 Sabrina Smith, Paul Clarke and Stu Mulder photoed with their catch they caught fishing with one of our Charters. Congratulations Everyone!  Thank You for using our Charter Services.

Aug 9 Andreas Handl of Kingfish Westcoast Fishing Adventure provided these photos of his client’s catch.  This trip was Skippered by Mike Wilson.  Well done!  Everyone!
Great Job Skipper!
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Mike please call Ron 250 632 1275.or email


Halibut and Bottomfishing is excellent right now as the Halibut have migrated into the inner waters of both the Douglas Channel and Devastation Channel.
The Coho have finally showed up in both the south end of Sue Channel and Fish Trapp on the other side.
I suspect Jesse Falls and the Kitimat Harbour Fishery should start to heat up in the coming weeks.
Good fishing and Good weather is a hard combination to beat while enjoying the beauty of the Douglas Channel with family and friends!
We are indeed blessed to be able to enoy the beauty and stock abundance of the Douglas Channel.  Amen!

$1000.00 Firm
Please view at 31 Raley St.

Call Ron 250 632-1275 or email

This Poster is part of a campaign that Kitimat Search and Rescue, Reliable Guide and Charters and Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop organized and ran last last year. Most of the River Guides and many others participated as well.
We are all hoping to continue to raise the level of Public Awareness of  Water Safety on the Kitimat River and Douglas Channel in the minds and behavior of the Sport Fishing Community in our area this year and future years.
The most significant priority last year was to involve the kids in our lives to help change the culture of water safety..  Our culture, attitude and behavior with Seat belts changed because involvement of our kids.  We told our kids to put their seat belts on  and every time we forgot, they reminded us to do the same.  Our kids became and still are the “Seat Belt Police in our lives”.

Accordingly we are hoping the kids become the “Wading belt and Life Jacket Police in the lives of the Sport Fishing Community.  Hence the Nick Contract.
The involvement of the kids is still the priority this year and I believe the key to bringing a vital change to the habits and behavior of Water Safety in our area..
Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop Staff are still handing out the Nick Contracts.(below)  Please pick one up at our store or print from this report.
We are requesting that anglers and loved sign the contract and then pin the contract onto the fridge door as a reminder to wear their wading belts and their Life Jackets.  The Contact between Angler and Loved Ones clearly states the reasons why…