PHOTO OF THE WEEK:Doris and Donald Aubin are holding a 20lb and 22lb Kitimat River Chinook that they caught fishing with Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charter June 17 2017. For more details please see Fishing Report below.
Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email wakita@telus.net
Contest Rules: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST for our Fishing Reports and you will be entered into a draw to win a Free Driftboat Trip down the Kitimat. If you already a subscriber please forward this fishing report to your fishing partner and if they win they should take you.
Best of Luck in the contest. Contest ends Sept 30th 2017. I hope you enjoy the fishing reports.
Kitimat River
June 12 Ken Fleming is holding a 27lb Chinook he caught on the lower Kitimat June 12th 2017. Ken was bottom bouncing a #4 Purple and Pink Spin n glo. Congratulations Ken!
June 12 Phil Wall is holding a 22lb Kitimat River Chinook he caught on the gravel bar below the Hatchery. Phil was fishing with his fishing partner, Gerry who also landed a Chinook that weighed 17 lbs. Congratulations Guys. Your fish are in Ron’s Mobile and Bait Shop’s Freezer chilling nicely for your ride home. 🙂 Any Anglers needing their fish frozen please call 250 632 1275 or stop by 380 City Centre.
June 13 Remi Cormier is holding a 18.lb 3ozs Chinook he caught at the upper lower dike on a pink #2 Spin n Glo. What a nice bright Chinook! Well done Remi. Congratulations!
June 13 Greg Rousu holding a 66cm Jack Chinook he caught bar fishing at the Pump House. 1st Chinook of the season. Well done Greg! Perfect for the barbecue. Anglers are reminded that The Kitimat Hatchery would appreciate the head of any Hatchery Chinook dropped to the Hatchery. Hatchery Chinook have the adipose fin clipped. Hatchery Chinook Heads can also be dropped off to Ron’s Mobile Tackle Van and Bait Shop. It is very important that the Hatchery Heads of all species are returned to the Kitimat Hatchery. The Kitimat Hatchery is an amazing asset to our Fishery. All anglers asked to please participate in the Hatchery Head Recovery Program.
June 14 Muriel from Prince George sent me this picture of the 25lb. Chinook she caught Bar Fishing on the Lower Dike. Muriel comments, ” I know it’s not pretty but 25 pounds…on Lower Dyke. I caught this chinook with a 7000 ambassador reel I bought from Ron last year.” Congratulations Muriel on a very nice catch!
Thank You for the business. It appears I sold you a “Lucky Reel”. : )
June 14 Michael Frank sent me this picture of a Chinook he caught on the Lower dike while he was Bar fishing with the Spin n glo shown in the picture. Well done Michael. Thank You for sharing your photo.
June 17 Geoff Dibben caught this 51 cm Kitimat Jack Chinook at the Kitimat Pump House with a Black and Blue Spin n Glo. This Chinook is missing it’s Adipose Fin indicating that is a Hatchery Fish.
Anglers are reminded about the importance of the Kitimat Hatchery Head Recovery Program. Any Anglers catching a Salmon with the adipose fin clipped are asked to drop off the Head to the Kitimat Hatchery or any Head Recovery Location. Ron’s Mobile Tackle Van would be happy to collect these heads or you can the Head drop off at Ron’s Bait and Tackle Shop in the old Home Hardware location. Congratulations Geoff and Thank You for dropping the Head off at the shop.
June 17 Photo of the Week Kitimat River. Doris and Donald Aubin are holding a 20lb and 22lb Kitimat River Chinook that they caught fishing with Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charter June 17 2017.
Donald hooked up first, landed his catch and as per their agreement, Donald got to celebrate by drinking a cold beer. Doris however had to wait patiently until she landed her fish before she could celebrate and enjoy her cold beer. With a little help from their Pro Guide, Marc and the blessings of the Fish Gods, Doris landed a 20lb Chinook and celebrated shortly after landing her prize Chinook. The smiles in their pictures say it all. Congratulations to the both of you. Great Job Marc! Thank You for using our Guiding services.
Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please call Ron at 250 632 1275 or email wakita@telus.net
June 18 I had the pleasure of Drifting with my favorite daughters, Julie and Michelle and my grand daughter, Piper on Fathers Day. : ) It is always wonderful to fish with my daughters and even more special to fish with Piper for the first time. (6months old) Although Julie hogged the rod that had the fish on and Michelle botched the netting (just kidding) It was an awesome experience. ) My all time favorite part of Father’s Day is when I get to say, “Who’s your Daddy!”. Thanks for an awesome Father’s Day Julie, Michelle and Piper!
June 18 Nick Gentile holding a 36lb Chinook he caught drifting the lower Kitimat River. Nick was fishing with his father on Father’s Day. Congratulations Nick and Happy Father’s Day!
June 18 Brian Apps was fishing with his All Star Fishing Team of Brendan,Alexis,Frank and Junior. Brian and his crew were Hot shotting in a very nice driftboat in the Upper Lower Dike pool. They had a few more on but finally managed to land this 25lb beauty. Great Job kids! Alexis… You are definetly your Dad’s Lucky Charm! Congratulations and Happy Father’s Day!
The Kitimat River is producing a few Chinook everyday but it is still little spotty. Most of the Chinook in the lower Kitimat were caught early in the morning or in the evening. These catch rates coincided with the high tides which were also in the morning and evening this week. The Kitimat River is still showing signs of Snow melt but remained fairly clean and fishable except for Thursday night and Friday morning. The peak of the chinook run on the Kitimat Is usually the end of June or the first part of July. I think that because Chinook appears to be a bit late, the first part of July is looking more like the peak. There will be more and more Chinook on every tide building towards the first week in July. Stay tuned
June 18 Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sport Fishing provided this photo of his clients holding their catch. Wow! Look at that catch! Congratulations everyone. Todd comments, “The guys hooked 10 Chinook, a bunch of Coho, Rockfish and Halibut. Quick Trip but went well.”. I’ll say, “it went well”.
Anyone wishing to book a Trip of a Lifetime with Todd please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email wakita@telus.net
Halibut is as good as it was last year and according to some anglers, “It is even better this year”.
Chinook fishing for spawners and feeders is good on the outer waters of the Douglas Channel with good numbers of Coho already showing up.
The Kitimat Harbour fishery has not been fished enough to get a good indication of how many Chinook are holding in the harbour right now. The wind conditions deterred many boaters early in the week. We know the Chinook are definetly migrating through the Kitimat Harbour because they are being caught in the Kitimat River.
We are entering the season of “Plenty” in the Douglas Channel. There is an over abundance of Bottom fish, shell fish and all species of Salmon. We are indeed fortunate to live in an area where the Bounties of the Sea are so close!
June 18 Dave Eng, owner of Sunset Charters provided these photos and comments, “Lots of smaller Chinook around with batches of good size Chinook showing up in decent numbers. The odd 5 to 8 pound Coho being caught”. Anyone wishing to Book a Fishng Trip of a Lifetime with Dave, please call Ron 250 632 1275 or email wakita@telus.net