Fishing Report Aug 30 – Sept 6 2016

Kitimat River, Douglas Channel and Prince Rupert

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: The Parson Family holding their Coho that they entered into the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Derby Sept 4 2016.

(left to right) Wayne, Farmer, Michele, Wayne and Luke Parson.  These Coho were caught during their drift from Cable Car to the Haisla Bridge.  Michele is holding the “Women’s Largest Coho”.  Congratulations everyone!



Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Winners



Congratulations to all the winners!

The 29th Annual Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Derby was a HUGE success largely due to the time, effort and dedication of Trish Parsons and Jill Barrowman.
They are the unsung heroes of this event.  Well done Trish and Jill.  Honourable mention to their husbands and families for all their efforts.


Contest Rules: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST for our Fishing Reports and you will be entered into the draw to win a Free Driftboat Trip down the Kitimat River. If you are already a subscriber please forward the fishing report to your fishing partners and if they win they should take you.
Best of Luck in the contest.  Contest ends Sept 30 2016.  I hope you enjoy the Fishing Report.


LOST: 3 PAIRS OF WADERS.  2 pairs of Protac green neoprene hip waders and a pair of brown Highwater chest waders were left at the middle lower dike Sept 5
Anyone finding these please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275.


Kitimat River



Gord Taylor caught this nice Coho bar fishing at the lower, lower dike.  Gord is fishing with his wife and family at the lower, lower dike.  This is an annual Fishing trip for the Taylor family.  There are some precious family moments created on these fishing trips.  Well done everyone.



Aug 31

Mel-Ridley caught these 2 beauties and released another 2 at the lower,lower dike.  Wow!  Congratulations Mel.  You had a great morning of fishing the Kitimat River!


Aug 31

Margaret Wiener caught these 2 Coho Bar fishing at the Lower, lower dike fishing with her grand daughter, Lexi-Weaver.  Nicely done Margaret!  Congratulations!


Aug  31

Glen McNeill caught this Coho fishing at the lower,lower dike. Nicely done.  Glen and Muriel are seasoned anglers and are a pleasure to visit and fish with at the lower dike.



Sept 1

Todd Oike. Danielle Walper. Mya Oike. Aria Oike
Todd is photo’d here with his lovely family and his catch.  Todd is a very lucky man to have beautiful daughters a lovely wife who enjoys fishing and is willing to clean their catch.
Wow! Congratulations Todd and family!



Sept 1

Matthew-Matheson caught this Coho on a Gibbs Koho 65 Blue Scale spoon.  Mathew was also trying a new technique.  Mathew said that he would “Smile” while he was fishing.  I think that is an awesome technique.  I use it too! It works so does laughter!  The proof is in the picture!  Well done Matthew!  I like the way you think!



Sept 2

Mikki Goebel cleaning her catch on a pretty cool cleaning table that she set up on the lower, lower dike.  What a great great idea!  This is the first set up like this that I have ever seen on the Kitimat.  Well done and congratulations on your catch!


Sept 2

Ted Riel and Gary-Patterson proudly holding their catch on the lower, lower dike. Ted and Gary were affectionately nicknamed by their wives as Fred and Barney.  In keeping with the theme of Fred and Barneys new nicknames, I thought it only fair to nickname the wife’s, Betty and Wilma. Congratulations to the Flintstone and Rubble families!



Sept 3

Greg-Wong fishing with his fishing partners from Victoria landed 4 Coho at the lower dike during the morning bite.  I counted 15 other Coho landed during the morning.
Congratulations everyone.



Sept 3

Ken Ginter holding the Coho that his wife, Lynn caught at the lower, lower dike.  There were a lot of Coho caught this morning and fun was had by all.  Some people had more fun than others.  Sometimes the picture says it all!


Sept 3

Chris provided this photo and comment, “Our two fish! Chris Goodwin and Jade Ginter”  Congratulations to Chris and Jade.  Thank you for sharing your catch in this fishing report.




Sept 4

Jared Pinder caught this nice Coho fishing at the Power lines.   There were 20 other Coho caught this morning.  Most of these Coho were caught on Black, Red Jigs and some were caught on Roe.



Sept 6

Anthony Miller caught 2 Coho fishing below the Kitimat River intake pool.  As you can see in the picture, Anthony was fishing a Black/blue Intruder fly.  Congratulations Anthony and Thank You for sharing your chosen fly pattern.


Sept 6

Kal Weisgerber is a truck driver who delivered a load in Kitimat and decided to do a little fishing at the Kitimat Pump House.  Kal was rewarded for his efforts as you can see in the picture.  Congratulations Kal.



Sept 6

Alex Millar caught this Coho fishing downstream of the Haisla Bridge on a blue jig.  Congratulations Alex.


Sept 6

Marcial Carcueva and Ador Corbuz caught these Coho fishing under the Haisla Bridge.  Congratulations!  There were 8 other Coho caught during the morning bite


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Sept 6

Marc Girard Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters caught 4 Coho fishing with his friend, Codey Thibault ( retired firefighter from Prince George). They were fishing Black and Pink Jim’s Jigs at Hirsch Creek.  Congratulations Marc and Codey.

Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a life time with Marc please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275.



The Kitimat River Coho fishery has been feast or famine.   When the river level was low there were only a few Coho caught.  When the river level rose so did the catch rates.  Thankfully we received some much needed rain for the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce Derby and there lots of Coho caught during the derby.

The weather forecast is for more rain so there should be more Coho migrating into the Kitimat River.

The early morning bite as been the most productive in the lower section of the Kitimat River.  This is typically the case with Coho fishing on the Kitimat River but even more significant this year due to the exceptionally low river levels.  There is a bit of “bite on”  during the afternoon tides but most of the Coho are caught in the morning.

The highlights for this week was to fish the early morning bite and Smile when you are fishing! : )


Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275.  We have many open dates and would be honoured to provide you with an awesome fishing experience on the Kitimat River.


Douglas Channel


Sept 6

Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sport Fishing reports, “Guests this week hook up with another perfect 133cm Hali”.  Wow!  Nice Fish!


Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Todd, please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275.



The recent rain has caused the water levels in most streams and rivers in the Douglas Channel to rise and this has caused many Coho to migrate into their respective spawning rivers and creeks.

Coho fishing in the Douglas Channel has dropped off significantly and will continue to as most of the Coho are heading into the rivers..

Halibut opportunities are still available in the Douglas Channel providing you know where to go.  The more knowledgeable boaters will continue to catch Halibut.   Many boaters have commented that this has been one of the best years for Halibut fishing in a few years.

Anyone wishing to Book a Saltwater Trip of a Lifetime please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275.  We have many dates available in September.


Prince Rupert



Aug 30

Leo Palmer from Wild Catch Adventures reports “catching a  125, 113, 83 and a 75 cm Halibut with his clients”.  Well done everyone!  Congratulations on your catch.


We also have quite a few open dates in September.  Anyone wishing to check off Halibut from their bucket list, we have open dates to help you do this. 

Anyone wishing to book a Trip of a Lifetime for a Driftboat Trip down the Kitimat River or Jet boat Trip to the lower Kitimat or Skeena  or A Saltwater Charter out of Kitimat or Prince Rupert please contact Ron or call 250 632 1275

I hope you enjoyed the Fishing Report!
Good Health! and Good Fishing!

Ron Wakita

Reliable Guide and Charters

Booking Saltwater Charters out of Kitimat and Prince Rupert
Driftboat Trips on the Kitimat River
Jet Boat trips on the Kitimat, Skeena and other Rivers

Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle Van
Servicing the Kitimat River
380 City Centre
Kitimat BC  V8C 1T6

ph. 250 632 1275