Kitimat River, Douglas Channel and Prince Rupert
Guests of Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sport fishing are proudly displaying their catch. For more details, see report below.
Contest Rules: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST for our Fishing Reports and you will be entered into the draw to win a Free Driftboat Trip down the Kitimat River. If you are already a subscriber please forward the fishing report to your fishing partners and if they win they should take you.
Best of Luck in the contest. Contest ends Sept 30 2016. I hope you enjoy the Fishing Report.
Kitimat River
Aug 14
Marc Girard, Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters Reports, “Had a Great day fly fishing on the Kitimat River with Tom Davis, lots of fresh pinks and a few chum, beautiful weather , good company. It was an amazing day”. Thank You using our Guide services Tom. Great Job Marc
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Marc please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275.
Aug 15
I had the pleasure of drifting the Kitimat River with Anita and Art Isaac. Art and Anita are wonderful Christian folks who possess the Love of God and of Fishing.
It was a lot of fun fishing with them. May God Bless you both!
Aug 16
Richard Norman caught this nice Coho fishing at the Lower, lower Dike. Congratulations Richard. Richard landed this beauty but he lost 3 others.
Aug 16
I had the pleasure of drifting the Kitimat River with Pastor Jerome and Pastor Daniel. We caught a bunch of Pinks but both Pastor Jerome and Pastor Daniel wanted to catch a Coho. There were a few prayers in the boat to catch a Coho. The Power of Prayer and the Power of the Lord. We were blessed to land a small Coho during our drift. God Bless you both and it was a lot of fun fishing with you both.
Aug 17
Joyce Brushett provided this photo and comment, “Hey Ron check out my Coho!”. There is a sense the pride in your comment and in your photo. Well done! Congratulations Joyce!
Joyce now holds the Brushett household record for the largest Chinook, largest Chum and now the largest Coho! Wow! It is going to be a long winter for your husband, Ron if he doesn’t get busy. : )
Aug 18
James Scott. landed this beauty on the Ist Dike using a Gibbs Delta Blue scale Koho 45. Scott wanted to catch a Coho before he had to go home and he accomplished this mission on the his last morning. Your perseverance paid off. Congratulations James!
Although there are a few bright PInks still being caught but the majority of the Pinks are in spawning colours. Wow! we had an exceptional Pink run this year.
Most anglers are now focusing their efforts on Coho. The Kitimat River has been extremely low and continues to drop. Some anglers are hoping for a little rain.
This is Kitimat so I think we need to be careful what we wish for….
The low river levels have caused most of the Coho to be caught during the early morning bite. Even when the high tides are in the afternoon tides there are not a lot of Coho caught.. The most popular lures used to catch the early Coho are Koho 35 and 45 Blue and Copper. In the deeper pools and cut banks, Pink and Chartreuse Jigs have been productive.
It is still early in the Coho fishery and it will get better with every rising tide but if the river stays low, you will need to get up early if you want to catch them.
Douglas Channel
Aug 2
In our last Fishing Report there was a photo posted in error. This is the correct photo of Bergen and her father, Dave Lucas. This was Bergen’s Halibut of a Lifetime and I wanted to be sure Bergen was recognized for her accomplishment. Congratulations Bergen.
Dave, Bergen and Sulli Lucas were fishing with John from Blue Heron Charters. Great Job John!
Aug 9
Todd from Nautical West Sport Fishing reports, “Guests from Invermere get hooked up good today with a fantastic day on the water!” Wow “ I’ll say! Congratulations everyone!
Great Job Skipper!
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Todd, please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275
Aug 10
John from Blue Heron Charters provided these pictures: “Gary with the one halibut that did not escape ; Gary and Ingrid with their Coho Double Header; Kim with her Coho catch of the day;”
Aug 11
John from Blue Heron Charters fishing with Kevin Hubner and Chris Studiman. Kevin is holding a 25lb Chinook and Chris is holding an impressive Coho.
Congratulations! Kevin and Chris during their “Day Jobs” work for Big Rock Sports Distributors who distributes the finest Hunting and Fishing products on the market. http://www.bigrocksports.ca/ Thank You for using our services.
Aug 12
John from Blue Heron Charters provided these photos and info, “ Dave with the biggest Coho caught today and Kayla with the first of 6 Coho caught.”
Wow! Congratulations everyone! Well done John.
Anyone wishing to book a trip with John please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275
Aug 13
John from Blue Heron Charters fishing with his clients Randy, Carla, Thomas, Abigail and Lydia Kadatz produced these photos of their catch. Congratulations everyone. Great Job John.
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275.
Aug 13
Dan Lachapellle of Halibut Hound Charters comments, “Found the salmon”. Wow! You sure did! Congratulations!
Aug 14
John from Blue Heron reports, “Fishing with Matt, Katrina and family; limited out on halibut and crab; two Coho caught later to top off the cooler. Nicely done! Congratulations everyone!
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275.
August 15,16,17
Photo of the week: Todd Haynes reports, “Guests from Alberta land their limit of Coho, Halibut and rockfish while on a 3 day trip with Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sport Fishing.
Congratulations Everyone! Well done! I am sure there will be some salmon Barbecues and Fish and Chip dinners in the near future for these folks.
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Todd and Larry please contact Ron at wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275.
Aug 18
Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sport Fishing reports, “ Guests from Slave Lake get hooked up with a cooler full of Coho salmon!”. I’ll say! They needed one big cooler to transport this catch.
Well done! Congratulations everyone.
Anyone wishing to Book a Trip of a Lifetime with Todd or Larry please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or call 250 632 1275
Halibut fishing continues to be the highlight of the Douglas Channel fishing although there were a couple days when the bite went off. It seems that when there is a strong Pink return
there is a few days that I refer to as the “Black hole for Halibut” when the Halibut bite goes off. As you can see by the pictures in this report, the bites back on.
Coho fishing in the Douglas Channel varies depending on who you talk to. Some boaters struggled to find Coho while others filled the coolers. I note that he anglers who found the Coho were in a better mood than the ones who didn’t. : ) The Coho are migrating to their spawning streams and river so they are a moving target.
Coho are starting to be caught in good numbers in the outer limits of the Kitimat Harbour. We are expecting Coho to fill the Kitimat Harbour on day now.
We have had some cancellations which has created openings for Aug 30,31 and Sept 1st. We also have quite a few open dates in September. Anyone wishing to check off Halibut from their bucket list, we have open dates to help you do this.
I hope you enjoyed the Fishing Report!
Good Health! and Good Fishing!
Ron Wakita
Reliable Guide and Charters
Booking Saltwater Charters out of Kitimat and Prince Rupert
Driftboat Trips on the Kitimat River
Jet Boat trips on the Kitimat, Skeena and other Rivers
Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle Van
Servicing the Kitimat River
380 City Centre
Kitimat BC V8C 1T6
ph. 250 632 1275 wakita@telus.net
Derby Tickets available from Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle Van
Ron’s Mobile Fishing
Sales and Services
Full Angler Service
Freezer – We will freeze your fish for you
Fishing Licenses – fresh and salt water
Rod and Reel Rentals
Wader Rentals
Rod and Reel Repairs
Pick up and delivery services available
Fishing Clinics and One on One Instruction
Fly Casting Courses and One on One Instruction
Fly Tying Course –TBA
On call 24 hours a day
Ron 250-632-1275
Watch for Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle Van on the Kitimat River
Providing Professional Services and Advice to Anglers
380 City Centre
Kitimat BC V8C1T6
Contest Rules: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST for our Fishing Reports and you will be entered into the draw to win a Free Driftboat Trip down the Kitimat River. If you are already a subscriber please forward the fishing report to your fishing partners and if they win they should take you.
Best of Luck in the contest. Contest ends Sept 30 2016. I hope you enjoy the Fishing Report.