PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Earl Mathews holding a 69lb Halibut he caught fishing with Andreas of Kingfish Adventures (see details below)
Contest Rules: Sign up on our Mailing List for our Fishing Reports on our website www.reliableguideandcharters.com and you will be entered into the draw to win a Free Driftboat trip down the Kitimat River..
If you are already a subscriber, simply forward our Fishing Report to a fishing partner and encourage them to sign up. If they sign up and win, you can join them on their trip.
Best of Luck in the contest. Contest ends Sept 30 2016.
Anyone wishing to book a fishing trip of a lifetime, please contact Ron Wakita wakita@telus.net or 250 632 1275
Kitimat River

May 6
Marc Girard, pro guide for Reliable Guide and Charters caught this Steelhead fishing with his son in law. (sorry I didn’t get Marc’s son in law’s name in time for this report). Congratulations Marc and son in law! They were fishing with Luhr Jensen Jet divers attached to a spin n glo with some roe. This is a very effective method to catch Steelhead but it even more deadly for Chinook. The Kitimat River has an early run of Chinook that can be targeted with roe until May 15th when the Bait Ban comes into effect. In addition to fishing with his son in law, Marc was doing some preclient research for our up coming Guide trips with clients. I call these “homework drifts”. Fishing with Jet diver and roe is the most effective way to find the better Chinook holes. This information will be invaluable later in the peak Chinook months of June/July.
Many of the Kitimat River Steelhead have already spawned or are in spawning colours. Steelhead season is coming to a close as there have been quite a few Kelt caught. Kelts are Steelhead that have spawned and are returning back to the ocean. With perseverance and a lot of luck they will hopefully come back to the Kitimat River to spawn again. As the Steelhead fishing comes to an end, Chinook fishing slowly starts to get more and more exciting! Stay tuned to this report. I Love Chinook season!
Anyone wishing to book a Driftboat trip of a lifetime, please contact Ron wakita@telus.net or 250 632 1275
Douglas Channel
Andreas Handl of Kingfish Westcoast Adventures and Kitimat Estuary Lodge B&B. fishing with our clients Ken Ireland, Earl Matthew, Pattison Jeffery and Shoemaker David. They are repeat clients from Dawson Creek on their annual spring Halibut trip on the Douglas Channel. They landed 4 Halibut, 20 assorted Bottomfish and their limit of crab. I am sure there were some magic moments during this trip that will talked about for years. Wow! Well done! Congratulations everyone!
This group will be back in July to fish for Halibut, Chinook and Coho Salmon.
Always ready for new adventures!
Great Job Skipper!
Anyone wishing to book a Saltwater trip of lifetime please contact Ron at wakita@telus.net or 250 632 1275

May 7
Todd Haynes of Nautical West Sportfishing caught this 28 lb Chinook in the Douglas Channel. Congratulations Todd! Nice Fish! Todd was doing some preclient research for some the upcoming season. Well done Skipper!
Anyone wishing to book a Saltwater trip of lifetime please contact Ron at wakita@telus.net or 250 632 1275
The wonderful weather has encouraged many Saltwater anglers and boaters to get out fishing down the Douglas Channel. It has been an especially long winter without Crab. We are truly blessed to live within an hour of “Fresh Crab”. Many boaters are Bottom fishing and crabbing but there are some Chinook starting to show up. Yahoo! I Love Chinook season!
Anyone wishing to book a fishing trip of a lifetime, please contact Ron Wakita wakita@telus.net or 250 632 1275
Good Luck! Good Health and Good Fishing!