Kitimat River PHOTO OF THE WEEK: I had the pleasure of drifting with Sumiko, Ellie and eventually Ann. The story line for our Driftboat Trip was Ronda and the Mermaids. The theme song for our Drift was, “Blowing in the Wind”
I started the drift wth my lovely girlfriend from Hawaii, Sumiko and my very good friend and fishing partner, Ellie. Ten minutes into our trip, Ellie landed her Chinook on the Radley Park gravel bar. After taking a few pictures, we invited Ann to join us who was fishing from shore.. My acronym for the names of the front seat crew changed to S for Sumiko, E for Ellie and A for Anne.S.E.A My family’s on going story line is, “who ever is on the oars or on the wheel, when the rods goes off, earns the status of Captain. Hence our story line for our drift boat trip changed to Captain Rhonda and the S.E.A Mermaids. 🙂 . We hooked 7 fish. Lost 3 Chinook at the boat. Landed 2 Chinook and lost 2 others. We are not sure what the last 2 fish were but, the answer is, “Blowing in the Wind ”
July 15 Marc Girard, Pro Guide for Reliable Guide and Charters drifted with Pricillaa Carlick, Carie Ochitwa and his son, Brodie.on our 1/2 Day (4hr) Driftboat Special 2 people for 300.00 and 400.00 for 3 people.They hooked 3 Chinook and landed the one Marc is holding. Unfortunatly this is the only photo that turned out. Congratulations everyone.
The Kitimat River is starting to fill up with Chinook, Chum and Pinks.
Chinook are dispersed through out the entire river, Chum are still spotty but bright and Pinks are rolling in with every high tide. This a great time to be fishing the Kitimat River and it is going to get even better.
Stay tuned!
THE KITIMAT RIVER IS OPEN TO ONE HATCHERY CHINOOK OF ANY SIZE OVER 30 CMS PER DAY (HATCHERY CHINOOK DO NOT HAVE AN ADIPOSE FIN) OR ONE WILD CHINOOK BETWEEN 30 AND 80 CMS. (WILD CHINOOK HAVE AN ADIPOSE FIN)ONLY THE CHINOOK OVER 65 CMS THAT IS KEPT MUST BE RECORDED ON YOUR LICENSE.Chinook kept between 30 cms and 65cms do not need to be recorded on your fishing license but still represent the One Chinook Daily Quota on the Kitimat River. These do not count against the 10 Chinook per year annual quota.CHINOOK DAILY QUOTA REMAINS ONE PER DAY |
Anglers are reminded to return the heads of any Steelhead or Salmon with a clipped adipose fin to the Kitimat River Hatchery or Ron’s Mobile Fishing Tackle and Bait Shop.
Anyone wishing to Book a Driftboat Trip of a Lifetime with Reliable Guide and Charters, please contact Ron at 250 632 1275 or email wakita@telus.net
Douglas Channel: PHOTO OF THE WEEK
July 14
I had the pleasure of Halbiut fishing with my lovely Real Japanese girlfriend (Real Japanese means ..born in Japan.. Made in Japan ) Now living in Hawaii and also my Import fishing partner. 🙂
We fished with Mike Wilson, Skipper for Kingfish Adventures. Mike is a very knowledgeable Skipper who prioritzed safety and demomstrated the Do and Don’ts of fishing with his own personal flare.
We had an amazing time. We started our day being blessed with Humpback whales breaching and a pack of wolves howling. Within ten minutes, we had our first Halibut tapping Sumiko’s rod (they were all hers). Within 15 minutes after dropping crab traps and the anchour, Sumiko landed her first Halibut (Sakana sulimsu), saw Humpback Whales for the first time and listened to wolves howling. Our day got even better as we boated 5 Halibut keeping 3, a Chinook and a Coho and a bunch of Crab. I even caught a much needed power nap since Captain Mike masterfully handled the boat.
We also provided our catch for my daughter, Michelle’s belated Birthday and Sumiko’s early Birthday BBQ party later that evening.
I invited my family, tackle store staff, charter operators and driftboat guides together to enjoy the bounties of our back yard. We also enjoyed the bounty of the east coast as Allan from Newfoundland provided some Lobster. A Huge Thank You to my daughter, Julie who hosted the event on her anniversary
Other than a few hic ups at the store, I could not have written a better script for the day.
A huge Thank You to Captain Mike and my beautiful girlfriend, Sumiko for helping create a page in my history book of life that I will always cherish. God Blessed us with a Blessed Day!
The Douglas Channel is still producing large and feeder Chinook. Coho fishing is starting to get better in closer. Pinks and Chum are also plentiful. This is the best time to be fishing for Halibut on the inner and outer waters of the Douglas Channel.
Weather pending this is great time to be creating life long memories. The Douglas Channel has such an amazing beauty that one has to experience to capture her true majesty. This is the time of year when she shares all her bounties of the sea.
Anyone wishing to experience the glory of the Douglas Channel, please contact Ron 250 632 1275 or wakita@telus.net